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Compassion in tragedy...

I write this from a place of love, compassion, and peace in my heart.

With the recent suicides in the news, there have been some strong, insensitive, reckless, opinionated posts that I have seen on social media. First, I will say it deeply saddens me. Second, I will always be a voice for those that cannot defend themselves on this topic especially having endured the loss of my dearest brother in-law and cousin, a step sibling, my husband's childhood friend's brother and friends of friends and their family members that have shared the same experiences. Third, I am unashamed to address this and stand up for those that are mentally ill, have experienced depression so real that it consumes their existence. May you never be pained with such grief that you would consider this as an option. I take statements such as calling them "cowards", "taking the easy way out", "saying what a waste of life", etc. to heart especially when it's so personal to me and those that I love. You never know what internal battle someone is facing, the environment they grew up in, possible trauma and life experiences that shifted their perspective and perception on life, and feeling it was the only relief to end their pain. I have witnessed the pain and destruction it leaves behind as well. It still hurts our hearts till this day.

Whether you consider it selfish or not, and yes you are entitled to your opinion, but be prepared for mine. Not everyone shares the same strength mentally as most and maybe think how your words cast stones of hurt and judgment. If you are mentally well and strong, you are blessed and fortunate. There are some that are just NOT mentally well and it may not be easy for you to wrap your mind around HOW someone could take their life. But it's real and I give great compassion to others that are not that strong and who have suffered greatly. I have lived this with experience, its devastation, and you cannot convince someone who is not well that there is another way when their suffering is so deep and hollow. Sometimes, you think things are moving in a positive direction and boom your world is rocked with the unimaginable. Always come from a place of compassion versus throwing stones of judgment. The most opinionated are those that have never experienced it and have so much to say on this topic. I pray to God that you never endure such a tragedy. But if you do watch a loved one suffer and deteriorate to this, please share your point of view at that time. I can guarantee it will make you judge less on such a misunderstood ending of life.

I pray that we as humans treat each other with more love, kindness, understanding, looking to build others, seeking to understand, less looking to find fault and tearing people apart. If we each shared this responsiblity, I can guarantee life would be more fulfilling for you and those around you. God bless you and have a peaceful evening!

(I do not own the rights to this photo)

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