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Mission to one's healthy self

HEALTHY SELF = HEAL-THY-SELF 💡Those letters could not have matched up by mere coincidence. It’s message is loud and clear for a reason. It’s a personal message to all to take care of your temple and improve the overall quality of your well being. In order to be healthy in whatever state it is, it requires some type of attention and most times healing. Is it your heart?! Your mind?! Your body?! They all require loving care in order to be healthy, balanced, and yield your true source of inner peace and happiness. What are you feeding yourself?! Most medications are band-aids and give temporary satisfaction. But never address the root of the issue, only pacify it. Inflammation or pain signals are warning lights that give us a cautionary tale of what’s to come if we continue to ignore the deficiencies. Healing thy self takes strength, courage, and action. Ask yourself what is lacking and what is in excess. Let your mission be to find your “Healthy Self”. Have a great day! ❤️✌🏼

(I do not own the rights to this photo.)

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