Mind, body, & spirit...
Happy International Women's Day! Woke up reflecting and grateful for the blessings in my life especially my health and ability to move. It truly is everything when you strip everything else away. What are you doing to be a better version of yourself?! What are you taking for granted?! Could it even be so simple as yourself?! Starting my day with a workout melts away the stress and cares of yesterday. It clears my head mentally and physically energizes my day, increases my endurance, and makes me feel accomplished every time. Love you, celebrate you & work on you. Bring out the best in yourself for all that you seek. Know what you want, what drives you, and go after which fires need to stay ignited and those that need to be extinguished. Have a great day! ✌🏼❤️
(photo quote is not my own. only background)